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UV Additives

OSi GA403

Product Name: OSi GA403


Product Description

Product Name: OSi GA403

Structural formula:


OSi GA403


  • OSi GA403 is a novel UV blocker derived from vanillin. It has a remarkably high absorption in the UV-A wavelength region, as shown in Figure 1. Therefore, at 1500 ppm loading in a 1 mm thick PET film, GA403 can block out UV light up to 405 nm, as shown in Figure 2, which indicates that GA403 will have a low impact on the initial color.

  • The most important property of GA403 is its insolu­bility in common food ingredients, and it has passed a PET migration test in 10% ethanol, 3% acetic acid, and vegetable oil. The results are shown in Table 1. Meanwhile, GA403 is applying the U.S. food contact substance (FCS) notification.

  • However, the low solubility of GA403 does not affect its high compatibility with most commodity plastics like PET, PC PA, PMMA, and PE.GA403 has extraordinary heat stability as shown in Figure 3, which allows it to be used in plastics that are processed at over 300℃, such as PET, PC, and PA.OSi 380W is recommended for use with GA403 to create a high-efficiency and broad-coverage UV-blocking system.

Typical Technical Data 

The values below are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please confirm with us before writing specifications on this product.

Appearance:          Yellow crystalline powder

TGA (10% loss):      350 ℃ min. 

Bulk density:           0.387 g/cm3 

Extinction coefficient:  ca.4.45x104 @λmax. 363 nm ca.3.41x104@380 nm

Melting point:          200-206 °C


Figure 1. UV-VIS Absorbance spectrum

OSi GA403

Figure 2. Transmittance spectrum

 OSi GA403

Table 1. Migration Test Results 

OSi GA403

*  Tests were conducted in a food simulant at 60℃ for 10 days

**  Detection limit: 50ppb

Figure 3. Thermogravimetric Analysis(TGA)

OSi GA403


1. Under Air

2. Heat from 110℃ to 850℃ at 20℃/min

3. Hold for 5mins at 850℃

Strengths of OSi GA403

1. High UV absorption efficiency

2. Excellent thermal stability

3. Low color contribution

4. Non-migration in PET

5. Derived from natural resource

Safety & Storage

Customers should review the latest MSDS and label for product safety information, safe handling instructions, personal protective equipment if necessary, and any special storage conditions required for safety. MSDS is available at your request.


This technical data sheet is only used for internal quality control within OSi Holding Limited.

All rights reserved.

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