OSi, as a global leading chemical manufacturer,with the perspectives of environmental consciousness and resource recycling that ensure sustainability of all global ecosystems, societies, and the corporation.We have been dedicated to providing environmentally conscious chemicals such as silanes, silicones, specialties, and continuously optimizing our production processes to minimize environmental impact.
We use energy and resources efficiently, and widely apply productivity improvement methods and recycling-based operations. Our chemicals, including silanes, silicones, specialties, and others, meet the strictest environmental standards and are certified by ISO 14001 & RoHS. We enhance environmental risk management and the flow management of chemical substances, thereby striving to prevent pollution..
OSi understand and comply with international and national laws, ordinances, regulations, etc. concerning environmental conservation.We are committed to developing and producing more environmentally friendly products, such as silanes, silicones, specialties, and others that can achieve lower energy consumption.
Our chemicals, including silanes, silicones, specialties, and others, achieved halogen-free overall and are certified by ISO 14001&RoHS, demonstrating that our production processes can minimize environmental impact to the maximum extent possible.