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Silane Oligomers

OSi HIOSil 1500

Chemical Name: Reactive organofunctional siloxane oligomer aqueous solution


Product Description

Product Name: OSi HIOSil 1500

Chemical Name: Reactive organofunctional siloxane oligomer aqueous solution


OSi HIOSil 1500 is a colorless or light blue transparent liquid, a reactive organic functional siloxane oligomer aqueous solution, which is used as an inorganic material (glass, mineral and metal) and organic polymer (thermoset, thermoplastic and elastomer) The adhesion between them is used to produce high-performance laminate materials.

OSi HIOSil 1500 product reliability and processing reliability are improved:

  • Improved product and processing reliability

  • Does not release organic flammable ingredients

  • Flash point is greater than 95℃, easy to use

  • Can be used in high-temperature environments, fire sources or static electricity environments

Typical Technical Data

The values below are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please confirm with us prior to writing specifications on this product.

Appearance: Colorless or light blue transparent liquid

Density (20℃, g/cm³): 1.1

Viscosity (25℃, mpas): 150

Flash point (℃):  >95

pH: 5


OSi HIOSil1500 reactive organofunctional siloxane oligomer aqueous solution is a water-based organosilicon compound (functional amino/alkyl oligomeric siloxane) that does not contain volatile organic components.

OSi HIOSil 1500 reactive organofunctional siloxane oligomer aqueous solution application:

  • Surface treatment of inorganic substances (excellent surface hydrophobicity)

  • Glass fiber reinforcement

  • Primer coating (surface treatment) for glass and metal

  • Additives for water-based polymers

  • Depending on the specific application, we recommend that the active ingredient addition amount of the product is generally between 0.5-5%. The product can be simply diluted with distilled water.

  • It is recommended to dilute the aqueous solution of OSi HIOSil 1500 reactive organofunctional siloxane oligomer at a pH value less than 7, otherwise the stability of the solution will be drastically reduced.

  • When the concentration of the active component in the aqueous solution is 5%, the solution can be stable for more than 2 weeks at a pH value less than 7. It should be noted that if the pH value is greater than 7, the stability of the solution will decrease drastically.

  • In silane primer formulations, 1-2 wt.% of OSi HIOSil 1500 is sufficient. A transparent coating film can be obtained by pre-cleaning and degreasing the substrate.

Safety & Storage

  • Customers should review the latest MSDS and label for product safety information, safe handling instructions, personal protective equipment if necessary, and any special storage conditions required for safety. MSDS is available at your request.

  • Place in a low-temperature, ventilated, dry place. The shelf life is one year under normal storage conditions.


This technical data sheet is only used for internal quality control within OSi Holding Limited.

All rights reserved.


Plastic barrel, net weight 25kg per barrel.

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