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Oximes Silanes

OSi HIOSil VOS Oximes Silanes

Chemical Name: Vinyltris (methylehtylketoximino) silane

CAS No.: 2224-33-1

EINECS No.: 218-747-8

Formula: C14H27N3O3Si


Product Description

Chemical Name: Vinyltris (methylehtylketoximino) silane

CAS No.: 2224-33-1

EINECS No.: 218-747-8

Formula: C14H27N3O3Si

Chemical structure:

OSi HIOSil VOS Oximes Silanes

Physical and Chemical Properties

The product is a colorless or light yellow transparent liquid. It's easy to hydrolyze in contact with water or water vapor. Color dark with long storage time.

Typical Technical Data

The values below are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please confirm with us prior to writing specifications on this product.

Appearance and Odor: colorless or light yellow transparent liquid with Methyl Ethyl Ketoxime odor

PH: 6.5-7.5

Specific Gravity (25℃): 0.977-0.987

Chroma (Hazen): ≤30

Assay: ≥90%


Silane OSi HIOSil VOS is a gentle silane coupling agent. As a cross-linking agent (vulcanizing agent) of room temperature vulcanized silicone rubber and silicone sealant, it is more active than methyl curing agent.

Safety & Storage

Stored in airtight containers and placed under dry and cool conditions away from light. It’s non–corrosive and general chemical transportation rules are applicable.


This technical data sheet is only used for internal quality control within OSi Holding Limited.

All rights reserved.


180kg or 20kg in plastic drum or iron drum with plastic liner.

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