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Other Specialty Silicone Fluids/Specialty Silicone Oils


Product Name: Organosilicone adjuvant

CAS: 67674-67-3


Product Description

Product Name: Organosilicone adjuvant

CAS: 67674-67-3


OSi PEMS V35 is a modified trisiloxane and an organic silicone surfactant with a super ability to spread. It is a non-ion surfactant that has the structure of type “T”. OSi PEMS V35 has the super ability to spread. It makes the water surface tension lower down to 20.5mN/m at the concentration of 0.1%(wt). After the mixture with the pesticide solution at a certain proportion, it can lower the contact angle between the spray and foliage, which can enlarge the coverage of the spray. Furthermore, OSi PEMS V35 can make the pesticide absorbed through the stomatal leaves, which is extremely effective for improving efficacy, reducing the amount of pesticide, saving cost, and reducing environmental pollution caused by pesticides.

Typical Technical Data

The values below are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please confirm with us prior to writing specifications on this product.

Appearance Colourless to light amber liquid

Active content % 100%

Composition Silicone Polyether

Viscosity (cst) 20-50

Surface Tension (0.1%) <21.5mN/m

Density 1.02g/cm3

Cloud point <10

PH 6.0-8.0

Specific Gravity (25/25°C) 1.02


  • OSi PEMS V35 is a super spreading and penetrating agent that can be used in the formulation or as a tank mix. 

  • OSi PEMS V35, as a component of 0.5-8% in agrochemical formulations. Proposing regulation of pesticide formulations PH value of 6-8.

  • OSi PEMS V35, as a tank mix adjuvant, as usual, add 50g OSi PEMS V35 to 200kg spray solution (4000-times diluent). Generally, refer to the following applications:


  • OSi PEMS V35 wetting properties are useful in various industrial applications e.g. Inks & coatings, agriculture, leather, textile and any other applications where strong surface tension reductions, wetting and spreading are desired.


Safety & Storage

  • Customers should review the latest MSDS and label for product safety information, safe handling instructions, personal protective equipment if necessary, and any special storage conditions required for safety. MSDS is available at your request.

  • After sealing packaging products stored in a cool, dry place, OSi PEMS V35 has a shelf life of 36 months from the date of manufacture.


This technical data sheet is only used for internal quality control within OSi Holding Limited.

All rights reserved.


OSi PEMS V35 is available in 200L drum and 1000L IBC or others.

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