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OSi MT V35

Product Name: Organosilicone Surfactant

CAS: 134180-76-0


Product Description

Product Name: Organosilicone Surfactant

CAS: 134180-76-0


OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant is a superspreading surfactant based on trisiloxane alkoxylate. OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant lowers the surface tension of spray solutions, beyond that which is achievable with conventional adjuvants. 

Typically, OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant (@ 0.1 wt %) gives an aqueous surface tension of ~22 mN/m. On the other hand, an octylphenol ethoxylate containing 10 EO units (a commonly used nonionic surfactant) at 1.0 wt % gives a surface tension of only 30 mN/m. 

The bottom line? OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant helps lower the aqueous surface tension more effectively than conventional organosilicone adjuvants. Because OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant is a super-spreading surfactant, the contact angle of spray solutions on leaf surfaces is reduced, leading to an increase in spray coverage (Figure 1). Additionally, under specific conditions, OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant promotes rapid uptake of agrochemicals into plants via stomatal infiltration. Spray solutions taken into plants in this way become rainfast, thereby improving application reliability. 

The low foam properties of OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant may make it easier to handle than other organosilicone based spreading agents (Figure 2). OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant is nonionic in nature, making it useful with a broad range of agrochemical formulations.

OSi MT V35

OSi MT V35

Key Features and Benefits 


Helps improve rainfastness 

Promotes rapid uptake of agrochemicals 

Promotes spray volume reduction 

Low pour point for low-temperature applications 

Low foaming 


Typical Technical Data

The values below are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please confirm with us prior to writing specifications on this product.

Surface Tension, mN/m (0.1 wt%) (a) <21.5

Viscosity (cps) (b) 20-50

Specific Gravity (25/25°C) 1.003

Cloud Point (0.1 wt %), °C <10

Flashpoint, PMCC °C (°F) 143

(a) Surface Tension by Wilhelmy Plate Method. 

(b) Pensky-Martens Closed Cup, ASTM Method D93.


OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant has been used successfully in spray applications globally. 

Typical applications include

OSi MT V35

(a) Note: use rates are dependent on crop, agrochemical and spray volume requirements.

In Agrochemical Formulations 

OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant may be used as a component in agrochemical formulations. Although organosilicone surfactants are subject to hydrolysis under acidic or basic conditions, optimum performance is achieved by buffering the formulation to pH 6.5 -7.5. Additionally, it is recommended that Silwet 806 organosilicone adjuvant be used at a concentration of at least 5%, based on the total formulation. 

As A Tank Mix Adjuvant 

OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant, when used as a tank-side adjuvant may be used to improve spray coverage, improve uptake or allow for a reduction in spray volume. OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant is most effective as a tank-side adjuvant when spray mixtures are 1) within a pH range of 5-8, and 2) used within 24 hours of preparation. 

High spray volumes, coupled with high surfactant rates, are not required to achieve sufficient coverage with OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant. In fact, OSi MT V35 organosilicone adjuvant may provide adequate coverage in many low-volume spray applications at rates between 0.025% and 0.1%.

Safety & Storage

Customers should review the latest MSDS and label for product safety information, safe handling instructions, personal protective equipment if necessary, and any special storage conditions required for safety. MSDS is available at your request.

After sealing packaging products stored in a cool, dry place, OSi MT V35 has a shelf life of 36 months from the date of manufacture.


This technical data sheet is only used for internal quality control within OSi Holding Limited.

All rights reserved.


OSi MT V35 is available in 200L drum and 1000L IBC or others.

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