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Other Specialty Silicone Fluids/Specialty Silicone Oils

OSi HPM V3500

Product Name: Hydroxyl-terminated Polyether Modified Silicone Fluid


Product Description

Product Name: Hydroxyl-terminated Polyether Modified Silicone Fluid


  • Fiber Lubrication: 

And organic lubricant compatibility is much better than ordinary silicone 

Easier to clean than the average silicone 

  • As the fabric paint to add: 

Increasing the wear resistance 


Increasing the fluidity of the resin coating

Typical Technical Data

The values below are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please confirm with us prior to writing specifications on this product.

Appearance: Turbid liquid

Viscosity (25℃ mm2/s): 200~500

Active ingredients %:100

Hydroxy component(G): 1,200

specific gravity: 1.04


OSi HPM V3500 Hydroxyl-terminated polyether-modified silicone fluid is a block copolymer, organic ingredients may be added to enhance surface characteristics. 

  • In organic lubricant formulations as a wetting agent for the integrated treatment of synthetic fibers: Also glycol groups can impart antistatic properties. Since it can be dissolved in water, and therefore easier to clean. 

  • The party room as organic fabric coating additives, can be given to anti-sticking. Others also enhance the wear resistance of the coating. 

  • Ethylene glycol as the closed end containing a reactive hydroxyl group, and organic polymers such as a polyurethane reactive. Therefore OSi 194 can be used as part of the network organization via a chemical reaction, enhanced hydrolytic stability of the resin.

Safety & Storage

  • Customers should review the latest MSDS and label for product safety information, safe handling instructions, personal protective equipment if necessary, and any special storage conditions required for safety. MSDS is available at your request.

  • After sealing packaging products stored in a cool, dry place, OSi HPM V3500 Hydroxyl-terminated polyether-modified silicone fluid has a shelf life of 36 months from the date of manufacture.


This technical data sheet is only used for internal quality control within OSi Holding Limited.

All rights reserved.


OSi HPM V3500 Hydroxyl-terminated polyether-modified silicone fluid is available in 200L drums and 1000L IBC or others.

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