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Other Specialty Silicone Fluids/Specialty Silicone Oils


Product Name: Oil soluble spreader

CAS: 17955-88-3


Product Description

Product Name: Oil soluble spreader

CAS: 17955-88-3


  • OSi AMT V4 Oil soluble spreader is an alkyl modified trisiloxane, that may provide enhanced spreading properties to agricultural oils. The increased spreading on foliar surfaces may improve the coverage of oils, thereby allowing for more efficient use and delivery of oil-based pesticide formulations. 

  • OSi AMT V4 oil soluble spreader is insoluble in water, but the alkyl modification makes this product compatible with most organ oils.

Typical Benefits

* Superspreader for many oil-based agricultural formulations 

* Oil compatible 

* Low pour point 

* Lowers the surface tension of oils for better surface coverage/penetration

Typical Technical Data

The values below are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please confirm with us prior to writing specifications on this product.

Appearance: Colorless and clear liquid

Viscosity (cst): 3-5

Density: 0.830-0850

Flash point: 110℃

Solubleness:  insoluble in water


  • Recommended use levels are between 3-10%, based on the oil content of the “in-can” formulation. Such use levels deliver between 0.03%-0.1% of OSi AMT V4 oil soluble spreader in the spray tank application. For example, if a summer oil (mineral oil) contains a 5% OSi AMT V4 oil-soluble spreader, and is applied at 1%, this will deliver a 0.05% OSi AMT V4 oil-soluble spreader to the spray tank. 

  • The addition of a 5% OSi AMT V4 oil-soluble spreader to either mineral oil or methyl soyate may significantly increase the spread area relative to these oils alone. This increase in spreading properties can be quite significant since it enables better coverage and effective delivery of many oil-based pesticide formulations using lower spray application volumes.

Safety & Storage

  • Customers should review the latest MSDS and label for product safety information, safe handling instructions, personal protective equipment if necessary, and any special storage conditions required for safety. MSDS is available at your request.

  • After sealing packaging products stored in a cool, dry place, OSi AMT V4 has a shelf life of 36 months from the date of manufacture.


This technical data sheet is only used for internal quality control within OSi Holding Limited.

All rights reserved.


OSi AMT V4 is available in 200L drum and 1000L IBC or others.

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