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Hydroxyl Silicone Fluids / Hydroxyl Silicone Oil


  • OSi POLYOSil HO fluid is a hydroxyl reactive polymethyl hydrogen siloxane with a low viscosity property. 

  • OSi POLYOSil HO fluid is a clear and colorless liquid.


Product Description

  • OSi POLYOSil HO fluid is a hydroxyl reactive polymethyl hydrogen siloxane with a low viscosity property.

  • OSi POLYOSil HO fluid is a clear and colorless liquid.

  • OSi POLYOSil HO fluid has the formula: 



Typical Technical Data 

The values below are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please confirm with us prior to writing specifications on this product.


Other special specifications can be customized after confirmation. Hydroxyl-terminated methyl vinyl silicone fluid/oil HOV can also be available at request.


It's colorless and transparent and has high hydroxyl content and good dispersion properties with silica or white carbon black. Not easily volatile when compounding. 


  • Can enable good transparent properties to the rubber compounds. Easy to react and use. Can be used as a structure control agent for silicone rubber. 

  • Softener and anti-sticking agent for textile, paper and leather.

  • HO35 Silicone Fluid can substitute for Bayer 200 products. Particularly suitable for the mixing of gas phase white carbon black (Silica) silicone rubber. It can be used in grafting and modification of organic silicone.

  • HO40 Silicone Fluid can substitute imported products, suitable for the mixing of gas phase white carbon black silicone rubber. It can be used in grafting and modification of organic silicon.

  • HO60 and HO100 are a kind of linear hydroxyl silicone fluid/oil used in producing other silicone functional silanes, or modification of other organic matters. Also used as a silicone rubber additive.

*Vinyl content of hydroxyl-terminated methyl vinyl silicone fluid/ oil HOV can be customized upon customer's request.


In 25Kg pails, 200kg drum and 1000kg IBC

Safety & Storage

  • Information concerning the safety of this product is listed in the corresponding Safety Data Sheet, which will be sent with the first delivery or upon updating. Such information is also available as requested from our sales.

  • We recommend that information concerning the product safety of our silicones be obtained and carefully read prior to their use.

  • OSi POLYOSil HO - min. 12 months

  • The storage stability only applies to material stored under appropriate conditions (original unopened packaging, stored dry, well-ventilated, and kept away from fire, direct sunlight, and rain).

  • Products beyond the shelf life can be usable if quality checks are passed.


This technical data sheet is only used for

internal quality control within OSi Holding Limited.

All rights reserved.
