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Hydrogen Silicone Fluids / Hydrogen Silicone Oils


  • OSi HOSil fluid is a linear, hydrogen-reactive polymethyl hydrogen siloxane with a viscosity of approx. 20mm²/s. 

  • OSi HOSil fluid is a clear, odorless, and colorless liquid.


Product Description

  • OSi HOSil fluid is a linear, hydrogen-reactive polymethyl hydrogen siloxane with a viscosity of approx. 20mm²/s. 

  • OSi HOSil fluid is a clear, odorless, and colorless liquid.

  • OSi HOSil fluid has the formula: 


Typical Technical Data 

The values below are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please confirm with us prior to writing specifications on this product.


Other special specifications can be customized after confirmation.


(1) Water-repellent treatment of plaster

  • OSi HOSil fluid is usually added by hydrocarbon solvents like acetone, and methyl ethyl ketone to be mixed with the plaster preparation.

  • Good water-repellent properties are obtained by adding a dilute solution of OSi HOSil to the plaster powder. The adding ratio is related to the kind of plaster, the H content of OSi HOSil, the water/gypsum ratio, and additives such as starch/cellulose or surfactants. This is why no general recommendations on the dosage of OSi HOSil can be given. 

  • Coating of OSi HOSil dilution solvent is usually heat cured to develop release properties or water repellency. Curing temperatures range from 120℃ to 175℃. Curing times are much shorter at higher curing temperatures.

  • Catalysts are often used to accelerate cures. Four suitable catalysts in order of increasing activity include Zinc octoate, iron octoate, dibutyl tin dilaurate, and tin octoates.

  • The actual curing time will vary with the surface being treated as well as with the catalyst.

(2) For LSR composition

  • OSi HOSil can be used as a cross-linker for LSR. Detail suggested processing please contact our sales representative.


  • Water-repellent treatment of plaster used to produce boards and blocks

  • Water-repellent treatment of dry-sprayed substances

  • Intermediate for silicone composition for LSR


In 200kg drum and 1000kg IBC

Safety & Storage

  • Information concerning the safety of this product is listed in the corresponding Safety Data Sheet, which will be sent with the first delivery or upon updating. Such information is also available as requested from our sales.

  • We recommend that information concerning the product safety of our organosilanes be obtained and carefully read prior to their use.

  • OSi HOSil - min. 12 months

  • The storage stability only applies to material stored under appropriate conditions (original unopened packaging, stored dry, well-ventilated, and kept away from fire and direct sunlight).

  • Products beyond the shelf life can be usable if quality checks are passed.


This technical data sheet is only used for

internal quality control within OSi Holding Limited.

All rights reserved.
