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Alkyl Silanes

OSi HIOSil OCTEO CAS 2943-75-1

Chemical Name: N-Octyltriethoxysilane

Synonyms: Triethoxyoctylsilane

CAS NO.: 2943-75-1

EINECS No.: 220-941-2

Molecular weight: 276.49


Product Description

Chemical Name: N-Octyltriethoxysilane

Synonyms: Triethoxyoctylsilane

CAS NO.: 2943-75-1

EINECS No.: 220-941-2

Molecular weight: 276.49

Chemical structure:

OSi HIOSil OCTEO CAS 2943-75-1

Typical Technical Data

The values below are not intended for use in preparing specifications. Please confirm with us before writing specifications on this product.

Appearance: Colorless transparent liquid

Color(Pt-Co): 30 max.

Specific Gravity (ρ20°C, g/cm3): 0.874~0.884

Refractive Index(OSi HIOSil OCTEO CAS 2943-75-1): 1.4120 ~1.4220

Purity (by GC, %): 98.0 min


Silane OSi HIOSil OCTEO is an essential alkyl silane in the following industries:

■ It Can be used in the formulation of water-repellent products. Triethoxyoctylsilane is used as a building waterproofing agent and protective agent to form a hydrophobic layer on the surface of the substrate, effectively preventing water seepage, sun exposure, acid, and alkali corrosion, and prolonging the service life of the building.

■ Surface modification can improve compatibility with nonpolar substrates. Triethoxyoctylsilane is used as a surface agent for inorganic fillers to improve the dispersibility and compatibility of fillers in plastics, rubbers, and resins.

■ It is used as a dispersant for pigments to provide better dispersibility of the treated pigments.

Safety & Storage

Customers should review the latest MSDS and label for product safety information, safe handling instructions, personal protective equipment if necessary, and any special storage conditions required for safety. MSDS is available upon request.

Keep away from heat and open flame. When stored at or below 35 ℃ in the original unopened containers, this product has a usable life of 12 months from the date of production.


In 25kg pail, 200kg drum and 1000kg IBC

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